The GraderCONTROL EM is a set which besides the control unit and receiver includes an electric mast as well. With this set it is possible to control electrically the height of the laser receiver (the height is displayed on the control unit) and thus make laser set-ups, elevation changes and measure height differences and make fine adjustments.
Depending on the application, the user can choose between the electric mast 400 (stroke 400mm) and the electric mast 900 (stroke 900mm)
Beside the use of an electric mast and all its advantages the control unit is also equipped with a lot of features to meet all requirements regarding accuracy, control of the hydraulics and quality of the job. It is a fully programmable unit that will easily meet all demands of the user. With its extra features adjustable LED brightness and remote control (optional) makes working with this unit even more comfortable.
For the control unit there are 2 types of remote control (optional) for the hydraulics available; the model RC which is equipped with push buttons and the RCJ which is equipped with a joystick.
Applied where level, single or dual grade is required.